I'm broadly interested in theoretical computer science and its interplay with combinatorics.
Here there be brambles and trees and sunflowers, arthur, merlin, alice, and eve; what else could this be if not the garden of earthly delights?
I have a small side interest in neat geometric ideas, and am trying to learn other things too; it's tough, but we'll get there someway or somehow!
Faster Approximation Algorithms for Restricted Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs
VA, Aaron Bernstein, Adam Karczmarz
SODA 2025, [arxiv]
Parallel, Distributed, and Quantum Exact Single-Source Shortest Paths with Negative Edge Weights
VA, Aaron Bernstein, Nairen Cao, Christoph Grunau, Bernhard Haeupler, Yonggang Jiang, Danupon Nanongkai, Hsin Hao Su
ESA 2024, [arxiv]
Evaluating Stability in Massive Social Networks: Efficient Streaming Algorithms for Structural Balance
VA, Sepehr Assadi, Chengyuan Deng, Jie Gao, Chen Wang
RANDOM 2023, [arxiv]
Local Routing in Sparse and Lightweight Geometric Graphs
VA, Joachim Gudmundsson, Christos Levcopoulos, Bengt J. Nilsson, André van Renssen
Algorithmica 84 (5), ISAAC 2019, [arxiv]
Preprints, Notes, Etc
Palette Sparsification via FKNP
VA, Charles Kenney
Low Sensitivity Hopsets
VA, Aaron Bernstein, Chengyuan Deng, Jie Gao, Nicole Wein
Online Ply Maintenance
VA, Patrick Eades, Maarten Löffler, Seeun William Umboh
EuroCG 2021
Computer Architecture (Fall 2021)
Teaching Assistant
Algorithms (Undergraduate: Spring 2022, Fall 2023; Graduate: Spring 2023)
Teaching Assistant